Flying Butterfly Illustration
Mountains Silhouette Illustration

Peak Nails Spa

Bold Fun Border Line
Bold Fun Border Line

Benefiting and Being Apart of a New Start

Refined Luxurious Virtuous

Refined Luxurious Virtuous

Hand Outline
Hand Drawn Line Divider

From basic ​manicures to fills ​and full sets. We ​put our upmost ​attention to ​detail and ​customer care

Modern Geo Rounded Rectangle



Foot Care Logo Template Vector Icon Illustration
Hand Drawn Line Divider

Introducing ​new ways to ​treat and ​renew your skin ​from a new line ​of products we ​ensured to be ​trust worthy.

Modern Geo Rounded Rectangle



10021 HWY 44, Middleton, ID 83644

10021 HWY 44, Middleton, ID 83644

Tues - Sat : 10:00AM - 7:00PM

Sun : 11:00AM - 5:00PM

Tues - Sat : 10:00AM - 7:00PM

Sun : 11:00AM - 5:00PM

For Appointments Please Call:

(208) 519-4847

For Appointments Please Call:

(208) 519-4847

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